Customer trying to integrate VIP AuthHub with Siteminder and using the Delegated AUTH scheme, the configuration steps are properly followed but still running into the below error message.
{"timestamp":"2024-09-17T21:53:37.588058Z","type":"log","level":"error","thread":"https-jsse-nio-8085-exec-1","msg":"redirect_uri in token request is required","api":"/oauth2/v1/token","clientIp":"X.X.X.X","clientTxnId":"24566776-*","flowStateId":"138d3763-----
In FWSTrace.log file, this message is observed -
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
{"clientTxnid":null,"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Invalid redirect_uri"}
VIP Authentication Hub
Release: 3.2.1
Siteminder team has provided a patch for version version 12.8.801 and 12.8.08. This patch was to add support for redirect_uri in the token endpoint. Same patch is uploaded along with AuthHub to the validation site as well. Once patch is applied in the Siteminder environment the error should go away.