vSAN cluster Shutdown fails with "Disconnected host found from orch <IP>" in the vSphere UI
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vSAN cluster Shutdown fails with "Disconnected host found from orch <IP>" in the vSphere UI


Article ID: 378984


Updated On: 02-21-2025


VMware vSAN


1) vSAN cluster shutdown though the vCenter UI fails on the below step and the following error:

Disable cluster membership updates from vCenter Server for all hosts in this cluster.

Error: "Disconnected host found from orch <vSAN IP address of host>"



2) If attempting the manual vSAN cluster shutdown as outlined in the following document: Manually Shut Down and Restart the vSAN Cluster

This also fails on Step (i) (python /usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/reboot_helper.py prepare) with the error outlined below:

Error:root:Failed to test vsan vmodl version with error (SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED) certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1125) on <vSAN IP address>


Issue is caused by expired host certificates:

if nothing shows up here you may have to follow Change the ESXi Certificate Mode, where vpxd.certmgmt.mode may be set to thumbprint.


If the host is using a VMCA self signed cert, renew the cert using the steps below:

Identify the Hosts with expired certificates via the vSphere client by clicking on the Host > Configure >  Certificates > Renew Certificates