apm_bridge_inventory queue filling up and throttles between green and yellow
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apm_bridge_inventory queue filling up and throttles between green and yellow


Article ID: 378976


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


The apm_bridge_inventory is queuing constantly and to get it working again, we need to run the procedure in the article below very often:



  • DX UIM 20.4 CU8
  • apm_bridge 1.10


  • Cache file buildup



Important things to be considered when applying the fix which is attached to this knowledge article:

This fix is strictly for apm_bridge version 1.10.

  1. Deactivate the apm_bridge probe

  2. Download the apm-bridge-probe-1.1.0-20241004.114344-32.zip file and import it into archive, with overwrite-> yes
    (Since apm_bridge 1.10 is having configuration UI, there is no Test Build convention therefore you must override the probe package)

  3. Deploy the latest probe onto the robot where apm_bridge is running

     - Note that you can add a second profile to split the origins between the profiles, in this case 2 profiles. (4 origins in each profile)
    -  You may also have to increase the java heap space max from 4GB to 8GB and min from 2GB to 4GB under startup->options section.

  4. Now open Configure section and go to setup/cache_delete_service and make sure you set as below:

a. enable_cache_file_deletion = true

b. cache_file_del_time_interval_mins = 15

c. max.cache.size.mb = 20

     5. The existing cache and store folder and the previously backed up cache and store folders need to be manually deleted.
         (We recommend deleting these old folders to avoid confusion, but if you want to retain them, move them to a different location)

     6. Activate the apm_bridge probe

     7. Check the apm_bridge and udm_inventory queue to make sure they are processing messages

Additional Information

apm_bridge v1.10 enhancements:

  • Updated this probe as part of addressing known vulnerabilities in DX UIM by upgrading the following third-party libraries:
  • apache-httpclient from 4.5.3 to 4.5.14
  • bcprov-jdk15on from 1.70 to 1.77
  • jackson-annotations from 2.14.0-rc2 to 2.17.0
  • jackson-core from 2.14.0-rc2 to 2.17.0
  • jackson-databind from 2.14.0-rc2 to 2.17.0
  • jackson-module-afterburner from 2.14.0-rc2 to 2.17.0
  • netty-buffer from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-codec from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-codec-http from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-codec-http2 from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-codec-socks from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-common from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-handler from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-handler-proxy from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-resolver from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-resolver-dns from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-resolver-dns-classes-macos from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-resolver-dns-native-macos from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-transport from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-transport-native-epoll from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
  • netty-transport-native-unix-common from 4.1.75 to 4.1.108.Final
Fixed Defects:
  • The apm_bridge overutilizes the CPU and has a memory
  • UIM Groups showing as null in TAS Payload
  • The inventory sync issue caused due to the Request Entity being Too Large from the OI side, is solved by chunking vertices based on size (1024 kb). 

Enable Cache Files Deletion

Add the cache_deletion_service parameters control the deletion of files in the Setup section and set the parameter value to true.

- enable_cache_file_deletion: false (default)
- max.cache.size.mb = 20
- cache_file_del_time_interval: 15 (in mins)

apm_bridge v1.10 fix overview

  1. To fix the problem we have come up with an approach of cache and store folder rotation when the size of the cache folder reaches a configurable maximum

  2. For this, a parameter max.cache.size.mb under setup/cache_delete_service section is made available to configure a max size, by default the size is 1024 MB (1 GB). This may have to be set lower, e.g., 20 (in MB) as 20 MB = 60,000 configuration items (CIs)

  3. The cache and store now will have the form of cache_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss and store_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss

  4. The Inventory Service periodically monitors the actual size of the cache folder against the given configurable size

  5. Once the max size is reached new cache_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss and store_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss are formed

  6. The older ones will eventually be removed by the CacheDeletionService


apm-bridge-probe-1.1.0-20241004.114344-32.zip get_app