We have some Uprocs that launch "uxstr sap jobname=DU_SAP_JOB_NAME" in mode ABAP via an entry in the table ZUXTS containing that DU_SAP_JOB_NAME, and for some of them we find the following 4 error lines every time they are launched via Dollar Universe:
|ERROR|X|SAP|pid=pid.tid| manage_sap_return_codes | Invoking [Z_UX_F_JOB_LOG] threw an ABAP exception. Key [UX_ECHEC_LECTURE_JOBLOG_03]
|ERROR|X|SAP|pid=pid.tid| manage_sap_return_codes | Message: [ Number:000]
|ERROR|X|SAP|pid=pid.tid| uxsap_build_joblog | uxsap_abap_job_joblog_read function call error
|ERROR|X|SAP|pid=pid.tid| uxsap_jobsap_abap_create | Unable to get log for job (SAP_PROGRAM_NAME) (SAP_JOBCOUNT)
When we look into SAP GUI for that particular Job/jobcount and we click in the button "Job Log" we obtain a similar message stating that there's no SAP Job Log: "No log entries are available for the selected job"
The errors in universe.log only are generated if the SAP program related does not generate any SAP Job Log, the ones that do have one do have the expected SAP Job Log printed in the Uproc Job log.
How can we get rid of these errors from the universe.log of the node for the SAP Jobs launched via Dollar Universe that don't generate any SAP Job Log?
SAP Netweaver 7.x
Dollar Universe 5.x, 6.x or 7.x with Manager for SAP Solutions
Normal error when launching SAP Jobs that don't generated any SAP Job Log via the Manager SAP in ABAP mode (uxstr sap jobname=xxx) instead of API mode (uxstrs sap api jobname=xxx ..." or SAP_XPB2.
The errors mean that the related SAP executoin did not have any Job Log so the Manager for SAP has nothing to display in the Job Log.