Customers running VMware Cloud Director,10.4.3 and 10.5, mainly in ICDR topologies, will experience prolonged Failover Test and Failover Live durations due to a VMware known issue.
VMware Cloud Director,10.4.3 and 10.5
VMs with cloud.uuid value, which is used as an identifier for vCloud Director Managed VMs is used by Zerto and is causing delay to vCenter task "Failover Before Commit".
Issue is resolved in vCloud Director
As a workaround, and as always please create DB backup before proceeding:
1. SSH to any DB cell
2. Login to DB using the following commands:
su - postgres
psql vcloud
3. Output and send the results of the following
\d+ ui_vm_inv_list_view
4. Edit view removing text - "AND vm_inv.cloud_uuid IS NULL"
5. Replace the View with the following command in SQL:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.ui_vm_inv_list_view
[Paste output from step 3]