The RC/Migrator Compare Analysis fails with several error messages "RMA887E The DB2 version ( ) ..."
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The RC/Migrator Compare Analysis fails with several error messages "RMA887E The DB2 version ( ) ..."


Article ID: 378884


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS


An RC/Migrator Compare Analysis strategy was defined with a Db2 Source Local and a Db2 Target Remote in the following way. 

--Primary Object Pairs:     
--Source SSID ===> DB2L     
--Source LOC  ===> LOCAL 
--Source ACMID===>          
--Target SSID ===> DB2L     
--Target Loc  ===> LOC_DB2R    
--Target ACMID===>                                                       

Db2 SSID DB2L was the Local and Db2 SSID DB2R was the Remote, they run in a separate SYSPLEX or LPARs, each one was defined in their own HLQ.CDBAPARM libraries in a SETUPxx member.  
The RC/Migrator Compare Analysis job finished with RC=16 and several RMA887E error messages. 

RMA887E The DB2 version (  ), was found while attempting to retrieve
      the TABLE objects.                                            
RMA887E The DB2 version (  ), was found while attempting to retrieve
      the SYNONYM objects.                                          
RMA887E The DB2 version (  ), was found while attempting to retrieve
      the STOGROUP objects.                                         
RMA887E The DB2 version (  ), was found while attempting to retrieve
      the DATABASE objects.   

What is the meaning of the empty value in the DB2 version (  ) field the RMA887E error message?. 
How these RMA887E error messages can be fixed?. 


The DB2 version (  ) field in the error message RMA887E is empty because the RC/Migrator Compare Analysis job is not able to determine the Db2 Version for the Db2 SSID DB2R (Remote). 
The specifications for the Db2 SSID DB2R (Remote) have to be included in the HLQ.CDBAPARM(SETUPxx) member that was defined for the Db2 SSID DB2L (Local). The RC/Migrator product searches in the SETUPxx member for the SSID version information, the first occurring SETUPxx member selected is from the Local HLQ.CDBAPARM library. The concatenation of the Local and Remote HLQ.CDBAPARM libraries is not possible.