The remote RMS (Remote Monitoring Server) returns no agent-less metrics.
Local RMS is still able to perform agent-less monitoring and metrics are available. Therefore, the only machines possibly affected by this issue are remote RMS instances.
ITMS 8.7, 8.7.1, 8.7.2
Enabling "Forms" and "Windows" authentication causes this issue.
00002944 7:55:26 AM [340] <form name="formLoginUser" method="post" action="./LogInUser.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2faltiris%2fPluggableProtocols%2fNSAccess%2fNSAccess.aspx" id="formLoginUser">
00002945 7:55:26 AM [340] <input type="hidden" name="_VIEWSTATE" id="_VIEWSTATE"
00003124 7:55:26 AM [340] PPA: [Debug] CallRemoteNSAccess:> success = 1, returned encoded/decoded strings are 13540/0 char(s) long
00003125 7:55:26 AM [340] PPA: [Info] GetDevIPAddrList:> got no data from the server for device {757FD6DB-CFCC-4CF2-84D4-767C44244226}
This issue has been resolved in our ITMS 8.7.3 Release.
After this, all remote "Remote Monitoring Server" servers will be able to start an agent-less monitoring and get agent-less metrics values.