Error API-1006 is received while updating Dynamic lookup based multi-select attribute in Modern UX
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Error API-1006 is received while updating Dynamic lookup based multi-select attribute in Modern UX


Article ID: 378879


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


An attribute using a dynamic lookup that is configured as a multi-select, displays the following error, if it has multiple values selected on the Modern UX: "API-1006: The value for Attribute 'id' is not in expected format or is invalid"


1 Create a stand-alone object on Classic UI (example: TEST_OBJ). Ensure that the object's field "ID" is set to auto-numbering 

2 Create a dynamic lookup based on the object created on Step 1

Example of the lookup dynamic query:

SELECT @SELECT:ID:ODF_PK@,                 
FROM   ODF_CA_TEST_OBJ          


Lookup Parent Window:

  • Hidden Key: code
  • Display Attribute: name

3 For the object created on Step 1, enter data instances so that it could be referred by the lookup, created on Step 2

4 Create an attribute on the Project object, associate this attribute with the above lookup, in a multi-value lookup mode. API Enable this attribute

5 On Modern UX create a copy of the Standard Project Blueprint and pull the above mentioned field in the Properties of the Blueprint. Publish the blueprint and associate it to a project

6 Also add this field on the Project Grid on the Modern UX

7 Navigate to the project properties, first select multiple value from the lookup for this field, for example "Test 1" and "Test 2", exit the project

8 Navigate back to the project, access this field and click on the drop down list

9 Repeat step 8 from the Project Grid / Details fly-out for this same Field


Expected Results :-

The field's drop down list should be displayed without any error being generated

Actual Results :-

Additional lookup values selected gets saved, however when there are multiple values already selected, if the field's drop down list is accessed the following error is being displayed: "API-1006: The value for Attribute 'id' is not in expected format or is invalid"



Clarity PPM 16.3, 16.2.3, 16.2.2




This issue is resolved and the functionality is available in Clarity version 16.3.1