Unable to delete failed/orphaned NSX manager node
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Unable to delete failed/orphaned NSX manager node


Article ID: 378859


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VMware NSX


You are trying to remove a failed/orphaned NSX manager node and delete option is greyed out in NSX UI
Cluster status shows degraded as in below screenshot because of the failed manager node.

Below is a screenshot from the UI wherein one of the manager nodes show no information and shows down.


VMware NSX


Failed NSX manager is still attached to the cluster and hence you are unable to remove the problem manager node


  • Run the below command to verify if the failed manager node is still attached to the cluster

    get cluster status

    The status of the failed node will show as Down.

  • Run the below command to detach the failed node from the cluster

    detach node faild_node_uuid

Note: When the detaching process is finished, run the get cluster status command to view the cluster status again to see if the failed node was detached.

Post detaching the failed manager node, we expect it to be removed from UI too.

Additional Information

If the failed manager node is still not removed from the UI even after detaching the node from the cluster, try running the below API call to delete the failed manager node.

DELETE https://<nsx-mgr-vip>/api/v1/cluster/nodes/<problem-NSX-manager-UUID>

Note: Please make sure you are entering the UUID of the problem manager.