Using the autobcpORAdp utility is failing when trying to sync the Autosys event server databases
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Using the autobcpORAdp utility is failing when trying to sync the Autosys event server databases


Article ID: 378857


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Autosys Workload Automation


While attempting to resync the AutoSys databases via the autobcp Oracle Data Pump Perl script, the below err message appears.

autobcpORAdp database sync

[DEV][autosys@<hostname>]$ perl ./

autobcpORAdp:  Enter the mode of database authentication (Certificate:1 | Kerberos:2 | [Password:0]) >
autobcpORAdp:  Source Schema owner name [aedbadmin]? >
autobcpORAdp:  Target Instance [AEDB]? > <Target_Instance_Name>
autobcpORAdp:  Target Schema owner name [aedbadmin]? >
autobcpORAdp:  Target Schema owner password [aedbadmin]? >
autobcpORAdp:  Network link to Source in Target Instance [db_link]? > <Source_Instance_Name>
autobcpORAdp:  Oracle Database dump directory name [autobcpdump]? >
autobcpORAdp:  Path for Oracle (i.e. ORACLE_HOME) [/data/client19c]? >

autobcpORAdp:  Current data in <Target_Instance_Name> server will be deleted.
autobcpORAdp:  Are you sure (y|n)? > y

autobcpORAdp:  The target datafile name is /data/oradata/<Source_Instance_Name>/datafile/AEDB_INDEX.DBF
autobcpORAdp:  Importing data to <Target_Instance_Name> from Source using <Source_Instance_Name>
LRM-00101: unknown parameter name 'aedbadmin/d'

autobcpORAdp:  Impdp - Import of table information failed.
autobcpORAdp:  Cannot proceed.

impdp command being executed by after adding printf "\n$temp"; to the script right before $result = system($temp);

/data/client19c/bin/impdp aedbadmin/<REDACTED_PASSWORD>@<Source_Instance_Name> NETWORK_LINK=LINK_TO_<Source_Instance_Name>
DIRECTORY=autobcpdump SCHEMAS=aedbadmin  
REMAP_SCHEMA=aedbadmin:AEDBADMIN TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE exclude=view,package,function,procedure,db_link,user,statistics,type_spec
LRM-00101: unknown parameter name 'aedbadmin/d'


Autosys 12.x


The Oracle database user password had special characters
Example Special characters:
: =~: (equal sign, tilde, and colon)


Possible solutions

  1. Temporality change the password to AlphaNumeric only
  2. Double-quoting the password.
    once with internal double quotes and another with external single quotes (e.g: '"PASSWORD_HERE"').