DirectPath I/O option not available on UI
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DirectPath I/O option not available on UI


Article ID: 378829


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VMware vSphere ESXi


The option of DirectPath I/O on the network adapter on the VMs running on ESXI 8.0 is not available. While the same is available as an option in ESXi 7.0.x in UI.

For eg: You will notice this change if you upgrade the ESXi host from 7.0 to 8.0 version.
>> ESXi host version 7.0.x

>> ESXi host version 8.0.x


vSphere 6.x
vSphere 7.0.x
vSphere 8.0.x


  • The support for DirectPath I/O enabled has been deprecated. i.e uptCompatibilityEnabled property is no longer supported.
  • Earlier if DirectPath I/O was enabled(checked), its corresponding property uptCompatibilityEnabled was set to True in VM Config Info.
  • Whereas when DirectPath I/O was disabled(un-checked), its corresponding property uptCompatibilityEnabled was set to False in VM Config Info.
  • For the setting "uptCompatibilityEnabled" -  the corresponding attribute in vmx file has been replaced by uptv2.


  • Starting with vSphere 8.0, you can enable the Uniform Passthrough (UPT) compatibility or UPTv2 is only available on vmxnet3 adapter.
  • Clients can set this property enabled or disabled if ethernet virtual device.It requires the VM hardware version to be compatible with the ESXi version which has enabled smartnic feature.
  • The Virtual Machine guest operating system should be running a VMXNET 3 driver capable of supporting UPTv2.
  • UPTv2 delivers passthrough to the VMs by leveraging VMXNET3 drivers rather than relying on vendor specific drivers, and most importantly it still makes the vSphere features available such as HA, and DRS compared to SR-IOV where features are not available.
    Reference on UPTv2:

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