JOBF throws error U00012132 ... no TLS gateway is active.
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JOBF throws error U00012132 ... no TLS gateway is active.


Article ID: 378815


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


When running a file transfer (sometimes called JOBF or FTP) job, the following error occurs:

 U00012132 File transfer cannot start because no TLS gateway is active.


AE: 21.0 or 24.X
Agents: Transfer between non-TLS (12.3 agents or other non-TLS on 21.0 or 24.X) and TLS agent (most 21.0 and 24.X agents)


If there are any filetransfers between a 12.3 (or non-TLS agent such as z/OS, AS/400, etc...) and a 21.0 or 24.X TLS enabled agent, they will require a TLS Gateway agent in between; a transfer between a 12.3 and 12.3 agent (or non-TLS agnets) does not require the TLS Gateway agent.  There is a good series of videos from the Broadcom education team that cover what you need to know about the what the TLS Gateway agent does and how to install it that are about 15-20 minutes long.  Please take a look here:

The error message around the TLS gateway being inactive will usually occur when attempting to run a filetransfer between a 12.3 (non-TLS) agent and a TLS-enabled (21.0 or higher) agent.  The TLS Gateway agent must be running and needs to have the authorizations set on the agent object in client 0 for the client where the file transfer is running.  For example, in order to run a JOBF between a 12.3.9 and 21.0.11 agent on client 1 the following are required for the agent:

  1. Log in to Client 0 as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Agents & Groups -> Agents
  3. Right-click on the TLS Gateway agent and choose Open
  4. Be sure that R, W, X are set for client 1

This has to be done for all TLS Gateway agents on the system since the agents will not choose which TLS Gateway agent is used in a filetransfer; it is done at random.