When trying to create a data profile in the enforce conosle. The console returns not errors and the UI doesnt update.
in the tomcat logs we see:
Source: com.vontu.cracker.jni.NativeContentExtractionEngine.HostManager
Message: [140614071994112] fork() failed: ENOMEM - failed to allocate the necessary kernel structures because memory is tight, Exception thrown from : ProcessLinuxImpl.cpp(146) HostManager.cpp 165
Rhel 7.x , 8.x 9.x
Enforce Server 16.x
no configured swap space for the indexer to spawn new processes. In essesnce the system is running out of memory and cannot run the indexer.
1. Check for available memory and swap
free -m
You should see:
2. if the swap is 0 under total, used, and free. There is no swap space configured. Follow the below Redhat article on how to add swap space.
3. if total/free memory is low, you will need to add more memory so DLP can launch additional processes.