Case Study: Reporting the number of Rally project children
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Case Study: Reporting the number of Rally project children


Article ID: 378776


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


A customer is reorganizing their project hierarchy and wanted a way to measure progress of child projects that existed under two different project hierarchies.


The following python script was written to provide this data

Update credentials array to include username and password

Update workspace_oid to include the object ID for the workspace being reported on

Change source_project_name and dest_project_name to include the names of the top level projects involved in the project migration.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests

def count_key_occurrences(obj, key_to_count):
    Recursively count the number of times a specific key appears in a JSON-like structure.
    :param obj: The JSON object (dict or list).
    :param key_to_count: The key to search for and count.
    :return: The total count of the key.
    count = 0

    # If the object is a dictionary, check if the key is present, then recurse into its values
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        for key, value in obj.items():
            if key == key_to_count:
                count += 1  # Count if the key matches
            count += count_key_occurrences(value, key_to_count)  # Recurse into the value

    # If the object is a list, recurse into each element
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        for item in obj:
            count += count_key_occurrences(item, key_to_count)

    # Return the total count
    return count

def main():
    # Credentials
    credentials = ['', '[email protected]','enter_password_here']
    workspace_oid = ########
    source_project_name = 'Project Node 1'
    dest_project_name = 'Project Node 2'

    print("[{timestamp}] main()".format(

    credentials[0] = '{server}slm/webservice/v2.0/'.format(server = credentials[0])

    session = requests.session()
    projects = session.get('{workspace_oid}'.format(server = credentials[0], workspace_oid=workspace_oid), auth=(credentials[1], credentials[2])).json()
    x = 0
    for project in projects:
        if project['name'] == source_project_name:
            source_project_pos = x
        if project['name'] == dest_project_name:
            dest_project_pos = x
        x = x + 1

    source_projects = projects[source_project_pos]
    dest_projects = projects[dest_project_pos]

    source_project_len = count_key_occurrences(source_projects, 'name')
    dest_project_len = count_key_occurrences(dest_projects, 'name')

    print('{source_project_name}: {source_project_len}'.format(source_project_name=source_project_name,source_project_len=source_project_len))
    print('{dest_project_name}: {dest_project_len}'.format(dest_project_name=dest_project_name,dest_project_len=dest_project_len))

print("[{timestamp}] Starting run".format(

Additional Information

The script provided is offered "as is," without any guarantees or warranties of any kind. No support, maintenance, or updates will be provided. Use of the script is at your own risk, and the provider assumes no responsibility for any issues or damages that may arise from its use.