Upgrade Notification Server OS to windows Server 2019 gives an error 'Altiris Documentation Languages' needs to uninstalled when perform precheck
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Upgrade Notification Server OS to windows Server 2019 gives an error 'Altiris Documentation Languages' needs to uninstalled when perform precheck


Article ID: 378707


Updated On:


Client Management Suite


How to uninstall 'Altiris Documentation Languages' when performing a Windows Server OS upgrade on Notification Server?


ITMS 8.x

DS 8.x


The languages packs need to be uninstalled before upgrading the Server OS with the following steps:

  1. Launch Symantec Installation Manager
  2. On the Installed Products page, in the Installed products window, scroll down and click Language Packs
  3. Click on the uninstall button once the Language Pack is selected
  4. In the Symantec Installation Manager dialog box, click Begin uninstall to confirm you uninstall selection
  5. (Optional) if a second Symantec Installation Manager dialog box opens, click OK to confirm your uninstallation
  6. On the Uninstallation Complete page, click Finish