Replication breaks reboot 'Cannot replicate because the source purged required binary logs' ca api gateway 11.1
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Replication breaks reboot 'Cannot replicate because the source purged required binary logs' ca api gateway 11.1


Article ID: 378701


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CA API Gateway


It may occur that when rebooting a node you notice replication breaking with an error in show slave status like,

                Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from source when reading data from binary log: 'Cannot replicate because the source purged required binary logs. Replicate the missing transactions from elsewhere, or provision a new replica from backup. Consider increasing the source's binary log expiration period. The GTID set sent by the replica is 'cf5f7d51-3c77-11ee-a400-5ee3580f4017:147-2632886,
d386eb1e-3c76-11ee-8c8d-3f653f0e877a:1-183', and the missing transactions are 'cf5f7d51-3c77-11ee-a400-5ee3580f4017:1-146''


CA API Gateway: 11.0, 11.1, 11.1.x


If running mysql 8.0.29 and above AND you are currently running the provided script in cron to trim bin logs then you can disable mysql from purging the same logs.