When trying to start an Environment Promotion job from the app server, the job goes to Status - 'Not Started'
No errors are seen in the export service log.
ITAM 17.3.x and 17.4.x
IIS is restricting communication to the Application_server to https
In IIS go to [Server_Name] > Sites > APMWebsite > SSL Settings and check if Require SSL is checked
apmp.exe.config is configured with a non SSL URL
We updated the URL in ITAM\APM Promotion\apmp.exe.config to
<add key="Application_Server.WebServiceUrl" value="http://<server_name>:<port>/ITAMService/Service.asmx"/>
After setting the product to use http, the Environment Promotion job started and completed as expected.
A good test is to navigate to http://<server_name>:<port>/ITAMService/Service.asmx in a browser to see if the page is displayed properly.
We expect to see this page displayed:
If this page is not displayed, please check the IIS settings mentioned above and other external causes for this page not being displayed.
Another useful approach would be to, run the export from the command line and specify an error log.
In one scenario, the error log reported that a connection could not be made to the APM web services.
The APM web service URL in the apmp.exe.config file was changed to use the correct https:// URL to the web services, instead of http://.