Status Report business rules are not enforced on the Status Report canvas
1. Go to MUX > Administration > Blueprints
2. Edit a Project blueprint
3. Go to rules and create a blueprint rule:
Target Object: Status Report
Conditions: Always True
Action: Required Attributes: Set a few attributes required
4. Create also a second rule
Target Object: Status Report
Conditions: Name is Not Empty
Action: Required Attributes: Set a few attributes required
5. Take a project and associate it to the above Blueprint
5. Go to the Project Status tab > Status Report grid view
6. Try to edit the status report
7. The rule is inforced and the Reqired attributes modal pops up
8. Go to the Status report canvas and perform a change on the Status report
Expected Results: The rule is enforced
Actual results: The rule is not enforced
Clarity 16.2.X
This is caused by DE154509
Currently business rules are not supported in Canvas. A new feature is needed to enhance the business rules in Canvas