Smarts-DM 2.4 - OS Patch Levels prerequisite marked false during installation specifically for ncurses-compat-libs
and oracle-epel-release-el9
Prerequisite of RPM will look like below:Required OS Patch Levels
false ncurses-compat-libs 5.9-14.el7_4.i686
Starting from RHEL 9.x, the "ncurses-compat-libs" package has been fully deprecated. To continue using it, the library must now be sourced from the EPEL repository.
Reference: Check “Moved Packages” chapter from RHEL9_Considerations
Library "" & "" serves the purpose and DM works without any issue, hence create softlink for mentioned libraries or remove reference for library.
Steps to implement:
rm -rf /tmp/tmp_* /tmp_final_*
while true; do rm -f final_<suite>_sysinfo.txt; sleep 0.1; done
"chmod 777
in one terminal. NOTE: Script need to be run continuously until installation is completed. Upon completion of installation, script can be killed as ../lib/ ../lib/
NOTE: tmp_<suite>_sysinfo.txt and final_<suite>_sysinfo.txt need to be changed based on product installation.
Example: IP: tmp_ip_sysinfo.txt
SAM: tmp_sam_sysinfo.txt
NPM: tmp_npm_sysinfo.txt
MPLS: tmp_mpls_sysinfo.txt
VoIP: tmp_voip_sysinfo.txt ESM: tmp_esm_sysinfo.txt
This instance throws library error while using utility
Steps to implement:
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
The workaround we shared applies to both TCSA-DM and Smarts-DM, as both support Oracle Linux.
Neither TCSA-DM 2.4 nor Smarts-DM 2.4 differentiate between OEL, RHCK, or standard Oracle Linux — the pre-requisite checks are the same across all Oracle Linux flavors.