This knowledge base article outlines the problems related to having mapping administrators associated with real users from a credentials perspective. It highlights the needs for provisioning and using technical users, it also shows the configuration options available in Bridge for Git for more enhanced security.
Endevor V19
Endevor Bridge for Git 2.8.8
Among the roles in Bridge for Git, the mapping administrator has the most important responsibilities as the person that manages the mappings for development teams to work with. As a result, the mapping administrator’s user and credentials are the most important things to plan and manage.
When a mapping administrator creates a mapping, their username and credentials are connected to all the sync-back updates, or commits, going from Endevor to git. Note that mapping administrators must have at the least read access to the Endevor inventory that they are mapping.
This has several potential problems when you use the basic setup of Bridge for Git, meaning you set up Endevor Connections and require only username and password:
As the sync-back commits retrieve any recent changes under the mapping administrator, many requests would show up on the mainframe side from a singular person. Similarly, the git repository could become cluttered with commits from a single user, especially if the enhanced traceability feature is not used. This means that any productivity scanning tools you may use could be confused by the large number of commits from a single user, most of which were not theirs in the first place.
If the mapping administrator’s credentials expire and are not updated, mappings will not be updated with the latest changes from Endevor. This means that developers working in git would be out of sync and would encounter many revert situations.
In order to mitigate these problems, we highly recommend creating a technical user that can represent the Bridge for Git application itself instead of a real user. The following options illustrate the levels of control you can achieve using a technical user and taking advantage of advanced configuration options with Endevor Web Services and the Zowe API Mediation Layer.