Custom SSH Assertion - fails when using service resolution - Failed (NullPointerException) to create command for subsystem=sftp: null
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Custom SSH Assertion - fails when using service resolution - Failed (NullPointerException) to create command for subsystem=sftp: null


Article ID: 378581


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Broadcom has provided a custom SSH assertion that provides early response capability for SFTP transactions (filename:SshAssertion- . 

It was recently determined that this assertion does not allow users to use service resolution.  

- When using the stock SSH assertion, the SFTP client gets prompted for a password, and then after entering one, users are dropped to an SFTP prompt where they can enter commands.

- When using the custom assertion and not identifying a service in Listen Port Properties > Advanced > Associate port with published service (bypass resolution).

- When using the provided assertion, the gateway closes the SFTP connection immediately after the password is sent..

Logs attached.

Relevant error message:
2024-08-20T16:01:44.805+0000 WARNING 171 com.l7tech.external.assertions.ssh.server.SshServerModule$GatewaySshChannelSession: handleSubsystem(GatewaySshChannelSession[id=0, recipient=0]-ServerSessionImpl[myuser@/]) Failed (NullPointerException) to create command for subsystem=sftp: null


CA API Gateway 10.1, 11.0, 11.1




Defect DE613074


1. Please open a support case to review the conditions and/or request the fix as needed.

2. SshAssertion- has the fix for the sftp Nullpointer Issue.

     This was built on the latest hotfix SshAssertion- 

      NOTE: Please take the backup / snapshot before applying the Hotfix.