Upgrade process from 8.12.0 ,8.14.0 or 8.16.0 versions to a higher version of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle wouldn't start
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Upgrade process from 8.12.0 ,8.14.0 or 8.16.0 versions to a higher version of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle wouldn't start


Article ID: 378579


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VMware Aria Suite


Upgrade process from 8.12.0 ,8.14.0 or 8.16.0 versions to higher version of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle wouldn't start . 

We see the following error snippets at " /var/log/vmware/capengine/core-engine.log " . 


Upgrade from 8.12.0 ,8.14.0 or 8.16.0 versions of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle as we leverage a new platform called CAP ( Common Appliance Platform ) a replacement of vami.


workflow.db is corrupted.

Attempt to upgrade the Aria Suite Lifecycle  would result the following errors as seen in  /var/log/vmware/capengine/core-engine.log

2024/03/01 15:01:50.652977 workflow_handler.go:168: Starting workflow cap-non-lvm-update
2024/03/01 15:01:50.653043 workflow_handler.go:154: Error in executing request. Error: Operation not allowed in the current state of workflow
2024/03/01 15:01:50.653049 engine.go:127: Failed to execute workflow request. Error: Operation not allowed in the current state of workflow


Take a snapshot of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance. This is mandatory and cannot be skipped

Note: Browse to this location " /storage/lifecycle/capengine " you would see a file called " workflow.db "  and the timestamp of this file would be in the past . 


  • Check the status of cap-workflow-engnie service

                  systemctl status cap-workflow-engine.service

  • Stop the cap-workflow-engine service

                 systemctl stop cap-workflow-engine.service

  • Remove cap engine service workflow database 

                rm -rf /storage/lifecycle/capengine/workflow.db

  • Restart cap engine service

              systemctl start cap-workflow-engine.service

  • This will recreate a new workflow.db under the same location

              ls -l /storage/lifecycle/capengine

  • Check the status of cap engine

         systemctl status cap-workflow-engine.service

  • Start your upgrades again

        The upgrade process should start and validate the same with " tail -f  /var/log/vmware/capengine/core-engine.log " . 


Expected Output:

[email protected] [ /storage/lifecycle/capengine ]# systemctl status cap-workflow-engine.service
* cap-workflow-engine.service - Cap workflow engine
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cap-workflow-engine.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-03-03 02:22:18 UTC; 41min ago
 Main PID: 2981 (bash)
    Tasks: 7 (limit: 5883)
   Memory: 181.5M
   CGroup: /system.slice/cap-workflow-engine.service
           |-2981 /bin/bash -c . /etc/profile; /usr/lib/vmware-capengine/capengine
           `-3039 /usr/lib/vmware-capengine/capengine

Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82> Handlers ............ 10  Threads ............. 2 <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82> Prefork ....... Disabled  PID .............. 3039 <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><94><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2<94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><8C><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82>                    Fiber v2.1.0                   <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82>            http:///tmp/capengine.sock:            <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82>                                                   <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82> Handlers ............ 10  Threads ............. 2 <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><82> Prefork ....... Disabled  PID .............. 3039 <E2><94><82>
Mar 03 02:22:21 vrlcm.xx.com bash[2981]:  <E2><94><94><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><E2><94><80><