Due to https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/375483/aria-automation-config-404-in-ui-when-up.html need to downgrade RaaS to a lower version to test the upgrade to 8.16.2.
In this scenario, there is a need to go back to 812.2 to test the upgrade in a lower environment before upgrading production. There is not a backup from before the upgrade to 8.17, and there is no need to retain any data from the current database, as it is a test environment.
IMPORTANT: If there is a backup from before upgrading to 8.17, the recommendation is to revert to the backup.
Aria Automation Config 8.17.0
Aria Automation Config 8.16.2 and lower
There is a requirement to roll back due to https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/375483/aria-automation-config-404-in-ui-when-up.html but your test environment does not have a backup from before the upgrade to 8.17
These steps will delete the current RaaS database, and it cannot be recovered without a valid back up.
IMPORTANT: This process is only valid for non-production environments, and if there is NOT a need to retain data. If there is a backup from before upgrading to 8.17, the recommendation is to revert to the backup.
Before making any changes, take a backup of the existing database and configurations as per the "Back up Automation Config files and directories" and "Back up your database schema" sections in the documentation: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Aria-Automation/8.16/Installing-Automation-Config/GUID-1637E178-B1A7-4FAC-A348-1516A6F0C4F0.html
NOTE: Even if there is no requirement to retain data, it is still recommended to back up the database.
It is also recommended that you take snapshots of the Aria Automation Config components before running these steps.
systemctl stop raas
su - postgres
psql --list | grep -i raas
raas_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | salt_eapi | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
drop database raas_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;