NSX Federation Local Managers show errors "Unable to fetch full sync status" and "Lost communication to <GM-site-name> in NSX UI.
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NSX Federation Local Managers show errors "Unable to fetch full sync status" and "Lost communication to <GM-site-name> in NSX UI.


Article ID: 378572


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Screenshot of sync and communication errors shown in NSX Federated Local Manager UI. 

  • Running the following API provides output that is missing one or all Local Manager sites.  
GET https://<ACTIVE_GM_IP>/api/v1/sites


VMware NSX 4.x


If the NSX Federation Local Manager sites not configured properly in the GM then the communication and sync between GM and LM sites will break. 


If this issue is encountered, please open a Broadcom Support Request and reference this KB article. Please also upload the NSX support bundles from all NSX Managers in the Federated environment to the case for expediated support.