Record too short to contain field masking rule ignored error when masking mainframe VB file with HASHLOV
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Record too short to contain field masking rule ignored error when masking mainframe VB file with HASHLOV


Article ID: 378481


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Some records are not masked when masking a mainframe Variable Block file with HASHLOV.
00170W   Record no # too short to contain field ###, masking rule ignored


TDM Mainframe masking


The field to be masked in the input file should have the size of the field definition. 
However the input file shows (via Hexedit) a truncation in the value (0D 0A) and the value is less than the field definition. 

If the field is padded with spaces to the size of the field definition, then masking of the field occurs without this error.
The file can be a VB file, but the data itself has to have all bytes, padded with spaces.