Updating the system settings addon fails.
In the tca-kubecluster-operator container logs you see messages such as:
E0918 10:34:48.426392 1 tcaclusteraddon_controller.go:393] TcaClusterAddon "msg"="AddonConfigValidation" "error"="validation failure list:\n\"syslogs[0].host\" must validate one and only one schema (oneOf). Found none valid\nsyslogs[0].host in body must be of type hostname: \"syslog.example.local \"" "TcaClusterAddon"={"Namespace":"default","Name":"systemsettings"} "condition"="ValidationReady"
This error is due to there being a trailing space (" ") in the syslog hostname, which causes it to fail validation. Hostnames cannot contain spaces.
Ensure the hostnames provided in the configuration do not contain spaces. Once corrected, retry.