Usually the user can use the command kubectl logs -l app=envoy -c envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress to review the HTTP request details/histories for the apps running on Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) and below HTTP histories shall return.
[2024-09-24T13:20:26.800Z] "GET / HTTP/2" 200 - 0 91 6410 6409 "x.x.x.x" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" "###" "" "y.y.y.y:8012"
[2024-09-24T13:20:33.492Z] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2" 404 - 0 119 58 57 "x.x.x.x" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" "25b66258-2708-4efa-b99b-cf93a87c7e4a" "" "y.y.y.y:8012"
However, in some scenarios, there is a need to check the HTTP requests in each developer Namespace where the app is running, instead of a unified Namespace (tanzu-system-ingress).
The solution in TAP currently is to enable the request logging setting in knative serving. Please reference to learn more about the request logging setting.
Please reference below steps to enable this setting.
1. Enable request logging in knative serving.
a) kubectl get cm -n knative-serving config-observability -o yaml > config-observability.yml
b) and edit config-observability.yml
apiVersion: v1
logging.enable-request-log: "true"
logging.request-log-template: '{"httpRequest": {"requestMethod": "{{.Request.Method}}", "requestUrl": "{{js .Request.RequestURI}}", "requestSize": "{{.Request.ContentLength}}", "status": {{.Response.Code}}, "responseSize": "{{.Response.Size}}", "userAgent": "{{js .Request.UserAgent}}", "remoteIp": "{{js .Request.RemoteAddr}}", "serverIp": "{{.Revision.PodIP}}", "referer": "{{js .Request.Referer}}", "latency": "{{.Response.Latency}}s", "protocol": "{{.Request.Proto}}"}, "traceId": "{{index .Request.Header "X-B3-Traceid"}}"}'
_example: |
c) kubectl delete -f config-observability.yml && kubectl apply -f config-observability.yml
2. Once the configmap is updated, access logging should be enabled automatically.
kubectl logs -n <DEVELOPER NAMESPACE> service/<WORKLOAD NAME>-00001-private -c queue-proxy -f
kubectl logs -n <DEVELOPER NAMESPACE> deployment.apps/<WORKLOAD NAME>-00001-deployment -c queue-proxy -f
tanzu apps workload tail <WORKLOAD NAME> --namespace <DEVELOPER NAMESPACE>
Please contact the Tanzu support team and create a support ticket shall you have any questions regarding the above procedure.