Can not remove policy or folder:
Delete folder API Portal Integration:
ssg 10.x, ssg 11.x.
The policy or fragment is still in use.
if the policy actually is encapulated assertion:
If the policy is a regular policy or fragment:
Find out all polices that uses or includes the policy/fragment, remove all reference police/fragment then select the policy and use delete option to delete the policy/fragment.
To find all polices and fragments that use or include the policy/fragment that you want to remove:
Run below sql in the mysql ssg database:
select name from ssg.policy where xml like '%<the policy name that you want to remove>%' or xml like '%<the policy guid that you want to remove>%' ;
You can find policy/fragment guid by selecting the policy/fargment and right click the properties.
It is possible that the include assertion uses the fragment guid instead of name.