Error: Unable to manage the distribution points under user [domain\username] for package: 'Name of Package'
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Error: Unable to manage the distribution points under user [domain\username] for package: 'Name of Package'


Article ID: 378317


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


You are getting multiple warnings in the NS logs referring to some packages source location:

Warning 1:

Could not access the path for package: 'MyPackage - Office 2012 x86' (1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759), path=\\sharename\Software\1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759

Attempted to access a path that is not on the disk.
   [DirectoryNotFoundException @ Altiris.NS.StandardItems.dll]
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport+<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<ValidatePackageForMdp>b__0()

Date: 9/18/2024 12:50:06 PM, Tick Count: 77869468 (21:37:49.4680000), Size: 5.39 KB
Process: AeXSvc (6232), Thread ID: 258, Module: Altiris.NS.StandardItems.dll
Priority: 2, Source: SWDSupport+<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<ValidatePackageForMdp>b__0

Warning 2:

Unable to manage the distribution points under user [Example\svcAltiris] for package: 'MyPackage - Office 2012 x86' (1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759)

Could not access the path for package: 'MyPackage - Office 2012 x86' (1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759), path=\\sharename\Software\1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759
   [UnauthorizedAccessException @ Altiris.NS.StandardItems.dll]
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport+<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<ValidatePackageForMdp>b__0()
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.AccPackageAreaExtensions.Execute(IAccPackageArea, Action)
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport.ValidatePackageForMdp(IAccPackageArea, PackageItem)
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport+DistributionPointsPackageArea.Enter(PackageItem, bool)
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport.ManageDistributionPoints(PackageItem, bool, ICollection<Guid>)

Attempted to access a path that is not on the disk.
   [DirectoryNotFoundException @ Altiris.NS.StandardItems.dll]
   at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.SWDSupport+<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<ValidatePackageForMdp>b__0()

Date: 9/18/2024 12:50:06 PM, Tick Count: 77869468 (21:37:49.4680000), Size: 5.69 KB
Process: AeXSvc (6232), Thread ID: 258, Module: Altiris.NS.StandardItems.dll
Priority: 2, Source: SWDSupport+<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<ValidatePackageForMdp>b__0


You may also see a similar error message:

Unable to manage the distribution points for package: 1076deb7-440b-491e-99ea-efbf2e028759

The package details could not be found in the database


ITMS 8.x


Package files are no longer in the Source location. Common reasons:

  1. The customer migrated to a new SMP Server and multiple packages files were not migrated
  2. or the actual packages files were deleted at some point from the server, network drive, or share location


  1. Open the SMP Console and ensure that there are no associated Managed Software Delivery Policies or tasks or jobs for those Packages available.
    1. Locate the Managed Software Delivery Policies under Manage > Policies > Software > Managed Software Delivery {Corresponding Managed Software Delivery Policies}.
    2. Locate the Jobs and Package Quick Delivery Tasks under Manage > Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Software > Package Delivery.
    3. Locate the Quick Delivery Tasks under Manage > Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Software > Quick Delivery.
        • Note:
          Deleting the Package Delivery / Quick Delivery Task will cause the cleanup process to work.  You can either Delete the Managed Software Delivery policy OR Change the Target (Managed resources) for the clean up process to work with Policies.
  2. In the SMP console, find and delete the required affected Packages from 'Manage > All Resources > Package or 'Manage > All Resources > Package > Software Package'
    1. Search for the package name
    2. After finding the package, select it and right-click>Actions>Edit Package.  Validate that the actual source files are no present in the mentioned package source (if it is a package that you still want to use, just provide the new location or add the necessary source files)

    3. To delete the package, go back to 'Manage > All Resources > Package or 'Manage > All Resources > Package > Software Package' frame and select package name again and right-click>Resource Manager. After the Resource Manager window opens, click on "Delete" 


In case that you can't delete the package because there is not sufficient references for our delete process to identify it (because "The package details could not be found in the database"), you will need to delete this package reference directly from the database. See KB 202150 "Unable to delete an item from the SMP Console"

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