var urlObject = new URL("https://FQDN//vco/api/about");
try {
var result = urlObject.getContent();
} catch (e) {
HTTP GET error : PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16
After upgrade Aria Automation Orchestrator was referencing incorrect certificate truststore.
The issue is resolved in the Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.1 release
Before proceeding make sure to snapshot the Orchestrator appliances.
Get the name of vco-app pod:
# kubectl -n prelude get pods | grep vco-app
Login to the pod's vco-server container:
kubectl exec -it -n prelude vco-app-### -c vco-server-app -- /bin/bash
Replace ### with container id returned step 1
Modify file:
nano /usr/lib/vco/app-server/bin/$(KS_PASSWORD) \
Find #vRO system properties and add 2 lines:$(VCO_INSTALL_PATH)/app-server/conf/security/jssecacerts \$(KS_PASSWORD) \
Run kill command to kill the process and restart it:
kill 1
This change does not persist container restarts.