All the Generic-INTERFACES values are getting rounded off and converted to a string value
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All the Generic-INTERFACES values are getting rounded off and converted to a string value


Article ID: 378265


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


All the Generic-INTERFACES values are getting rounded off and converted to a string value


MnR - 7.4 onwards, till  v7.7


Customers who have upgraded from v7.3 and lower version to v7.4 and later, will see the changes that all the Generic-INTERFACES values are getting rounded off and converted to a string value. 

e.g. When maxspeed value is 2000000000, after getting rounded off and conversion it will be shown as "2Gbps".


This is a conversion of the value is started from v7.4.1.1 Onwards.

This is the actual file "vhf-pah-maxspeed-format.xml which is doing this conversion.

Complete path: <APG_BASEDIR>/Collecting/Variable-Handling-Filter/<collector-instance>/conf/vhf-pah-maxspeed-format.xml


Incase, if the customer do not want to see this conversion. Then they need to comment out the below handler from this file vhf-backendfilter.xml

<handling-configuration id="maxspeed-format">
        <matcher class="com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.variablehandlingfilter.matchers.APGFilterMatcher">
            <parameter name="filter">maxspeed &amp; !(datagrp=='BROCADE_FCSWITCH_PORT' | datagrp=='BROCADE_ACCESSGATEWAY_PORT') </parameter>
        <handler class="com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.variablehandlingfilter.handlers.PropertyArithmeticHandler">
            <parameter name="file" type="file">conf/vhf-pah-maxspeed-format.xml</parameter>