Solution Pack installed failed with error: "The Solution Pack install completed with errors. The database is in an inconsistent state."
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Solution Pack installed failed with error: "The Solution Pack install completed with errors. The database is in an inconsistent state."


Article ID: 378227


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Core Package


After installing fresh DLP database and enforce server, tried to install solution pack by running below command:
SolutionpackInstaller.exe import "<Drive>\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\Financial_v16.0.2.vsp"

And it failed to install with this error: "The Solution Pack install completed with errors. The database is in an inconsistent state."


DLP 16.0.2


Database after import attempt is in inconsistent state as constraints are guarding it consistency, hence you got error: Error Msg = ORA-00001: unique constraint (PROTECT.SYS_C007429) violated


- To import the solution pack, reinstallation of DLP Enforce server is needed to wipe out the current database configuration.
- It is not required to reinstall Oracle
- Perform below steps:

1. Uninstall Enforce server and don't preserve reinstallation tools (we will wipe out the existing DB and create there new for new Enforce Server.
2. Once it will be uninstalled, proceed with installation of Enforce server one more time and when it will come to Oracle DB section, provide all necessary.
3. After providing Oracle data: Host, Port, Credentials, it will ask you what to do with your Oracle DB in Initialize Database panel.
4. We need to go ahead and Initialize Database. Once it is finished and installation is successful, don't go and login into Enforce server, but proceed with Solution Pack import.
5. Follow the steps mentioned here to install Solution pack.

Additional Information

It has also been found that if SECURE_REGISTER_LISTENER= (IPC) parameter isn’t added to the listerner.ora file it will throw this error