Error: invalid_client: authorization_code grant type requires at least one redirect URL", on Apps Manager GUI after adding SCS server.
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Error: invalid_client: authorization_code grant type requires at least one redirect URL", on Apps Manager GUI after adding SCS server.


Article ID: 378211


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Spring Runtime


A user may encounter an error similar to below screencap on Apps Manager GUI after adding a Spring Config Server.

  • "Error: invalid_client: authorization_code grant type requires at least one redirect URL"

The UAA logs will show (400's) errors repeating, similar to below:

# Error Example:
# The above error can be found in UAA VM logs. (/home/tempest-web/uaa/tomcat/logs/catalina.<DATE-OF-ISSUE>.log)
# Replace "<DATE-OF-ISSUE>" with the date the issue occurred.


The newly added Spring Cloud Server needs to refresh connection/config with UAA VM to gain trusted status/OAuth.  


To resolve the issue:


  1. Using bosh cli, ssh to the Spring Cloud Services deployment (starts with "p_spring-cloud-services-" )
  2. Become root user (sudo su -)
  3. Run the below (monit) command to re-establish proper/trusted connection.
monit restart scs-service-broker

Additional Information

If the issue is still present after performing the above, please open a support ticket with Tanzu by Broadcom.