how to limit monitoring with java agent
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how to limit monitoring with java agent


Article ID: 378159


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CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


We would like to limit the monitoring with java agent so that java agent does not have high impact on monitored application. What are some steps that we can take to accomplish this?


You can limit the monitoring using the following KB.

APM Introscope .Java Agent - Troubleshooting and Best Practices

The KB gives you information how to limit the java agent instrumentations.

You should follow USECASE# 2 as it will give you more details.

If you want to remove the PBD, then you need to remove it from acc-master.pbl.

If you review the PBD file, it will tell you details about each tracer.

Our suggestion would be to start with KB first and if you need to remove more instrumentations, you can do it by modifying or removing PBDs.