We are using Private Registry for DOI, the credentials got changed for it recently.
Due to which DOI is unable to pull the images .
Can you please help to update new credentials so that DOI can connect the registry
Follow the below step:-
==Save existing "image-pull-secret":
kubectl -n <namespace> get secret image-pull-secret -o yaml > backup_imagePullSecret.yaml
== Remove image-pull-secret:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete secret image-pull-secret
== Create new secret (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/#create-a-secret-by-providing-credentials-on- the-command-line)
kubectl -n <namespace> create secret docker-registry image-pull-secret --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> -- docker-password=<your-pword>
Update the dxi.input.vars.yml with base64 encoded password