We are trying to add an instance of SNOW to the Service Desk Configuration section in spectrum.
When we hit test, we get an error:
<DATE> [http-nio-8080-exec-3] INFO com.aprisma.debuglog - (SDIntegration) - SDIntegrationManager - received request: TEST_CONNECTION
<DATE> [http-nio-8080-exec-3] WARN com.aprisma.errorlog - NIMRestClient - error javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
Oneclick is using http on port 8080
Spectrum : All Supported Versions
The internal MIN agent section of the Service Desk Configuration must be set to match the details of the oneclick host.
In the Servcie Desk Configuration section
Enable the Service Desk integration to allow SPECTRUM to communicate with the specified Service Desk server. | |
Select the enabled button and an additional section will appear.
Make sure that the http(s) and port sections match the oneclick host.
Note : this section was added when Broadcom added the ability to install the NIM agent as a stand alone tool.