Error: Error processing bind parameters: [GET /search/query][500] searchByTagInternalServerError &{RelatedAPIError:{Details:Client certificate not found in trust store ErrorCode:99 ErrorData:<nil> ErrorMessage:Internal server error has occurred. ModuleName:common-services} RelatedErrors:[]}
"level="WARNING" subcomp="http"] Client certificate 'CN=pks-nsx-t-superuser' not found in trust store
"This issue might impact services that utilize NCP to manage NSX-T environments running below version 4.1.2, including TKGI, and TAS.
Certain conditions in multi-node NSX Manager configuration prevent the PrincipalIndentity certificate from replicating to all 3 NSX manager appliances. Failover from the primary node that has the certificate to a node that doesn't contain the certificate leads to a failure for services requiring authentication to NSX Manager using the PrincipalIdentity certificate.
This is resolved in NSX 4.1.2 and NSX 4.2.0 releases. If upgrade is not possible, workaround the condition by failing over the NSX manager nodes until the original NSX Manager appliance is leader.