Workload cluster deployment fails due to "\"ControlPlaneIsStable\" preflight failed"
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Workload cluster deployment fails due to "\"ControlPlaneIsStable\" preflight failed"


Article ID: 378056


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VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Management


In CAPV/CAPI logs you may see logs similar to: 

test-workload-cluster-controlplane-42plf is provisioning (\"ControlPlaneIsStable\" preflight failed). The operation will continue after the preflight check(s) pass" controller="machineset" controllerGroup="" controllerKind="MachineSet" MachineSet="default/test-workload-cluster-md-dfjko" namespace="default" name="test-workload-cluster-md-dfjko" reconcileID=dee86c96-fac6-46a0-9bba-x7886c8906 MachineDeployment="default/test-workload-cluster" Cluster="default/test-workload-cluster"

You may observe that no new machines are being provisioned in vSphere, and similarly, no machine objects are being created for the new cluster within the management cluster. As a result, from the Tanzu CLI, the cluster will remain stuck in a "creating" state


The exact cause of this issue is unclear, but it can occur in situations where a cluster deletion is initiated. In such cases, some top-level components may be successfully removed, while certain objects remain, causing inconsistencies and potential issues. 


To ensure the cluster can be deployed successfully, please initiate the deletion of the problematic cluster using the Tanzu CLI. Allow sufficient time for the process to complete. Afterward, use the following commands from management cluster context to confirm that all objects associated with the cluster have been fully removed:
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -l "" -n CLUSTER-NAMESPACE
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -l "" -n CLUSTER-NAMESPACE
If any objects remain after the cluster deletion, you can use kubectl to manually remove them.

To delete remaining objects, use the following command for each type of resource:

kubectl delete <resource> <name> -n <namespace>

Replace <resource>, <name>, and <namespace> with the appropriate values. Once all lingering objects have been cleared, you can proceed with redeploying the cluster. The process should then complete successfully without further issues.

After an object is deleted, it may sometimes be necessary to remove its finalizer. When doing so, please ensure that the object being deleted belongs to this cluster and not another.