Copying airgap export bundle to /photon-reps on airgap server fails.
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Copying airgap export bundle to /photon-reps on airgap server fails.


Article ID: 378000


Updated On:


VMware Telco Cloud Automation


  • While trying to import an airgap bundle, one of the steps is to copy the airgap exported bundle to /photon-reps.
  • Copying this bundle to /photon-reps fails, with admin user we are seeing permission issue and unable to execute with root user as the login is restricted.



  •  3.0, 3.1.x, 3.2


On Airgap server, root user login is restricted and /photon-reps is owned by root:root, hence non-root users lack the necessary permissions to copy export bundle into this directory.

In the following cases user are restricted in copying the export bundle:

  • When user will use a windows vm as Jump box to copy the export bundles
  • Where network config is made such a way that outbound traffic is disabled on destination airgap server




  • When the destination Airgap Server allows only inbound connectivity or when copying export bundle from windows or linux jump hosts follow this workaround:

1.Login to destination airgap server:

# ssh admin@<destination-airgap-ip>

2.Switch to Superuser (Linux Only):


3.Move to the photon-reps directory:

#cd /photon-reps

4.Create a directory for the export bundle

#mkdir exportbundle

5.Change the ownership of the directory to ensure appropriate permissions:

   #chown admin:users exportbundle

6.Copy the bundle from your remote airgap server or from jump host's location to the `/photon-reps/exportbundle` directory.

7.Once the bundle is copied, move it to the `/photon-reps` directory:

   #mv <export-bundle>.tar.gz /photon-reps


  • When the Airgap Server has only outbound connectivity (No inbound connectivity allowed)


If the destination airgap server only has outbound connectivity use the following method to access the export bundle:

1.Access the bundle through the following path (using the FQDN of the remote airgap server):

2.Once you have the export bundle link, download it on the destination airgap server using one of the method.

 Download using curl:

 #curl -O https://<remote-airgap-fqdn>/export-bundle/<bundle-name>

 Download using scp:

#scp admin@<remote-airgap-fqdn>:/photon-reps/export-bundle/<bundle-name> /photon-reps/