Received Multiple License Files for Carbon Black App Control – Console Only Allows One
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Received Multiple License Files for Carbon Black App Control – Console Only Allows One


Article ID: 377952


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • After purchasing or renewing Carbon Black App Control - multiple license files are provided instead of one.
  • Since the console only allows one license file to be imported, the full license count is not displayed correctly.


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions


  • Following the acquisition of Carbon Black, we have migrated our licensing system to a new backend.
  • The files are being generated differently than they historically have been.


  • For the time being, import one license file. If the license files have different expiration dates, use the one with the later expiration.
  • The App Control Server will not prevent agents from being installed over the license count, therefore, this is mainly a cosmetic issue.
  • The ability to import multiple license files is being added in an upcoming release. This is being tracked under CRE-19329 / EPCB-21622.

Additional Information

The ability to combine the license keys is not available at this time.