shows error Failed to apply the chart
search cancel shows error Failed to apply the chart


Article ID: 377846


Updated On:


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Errors when running ./ --configureSsl

2024-09-09 19:04:04,303 TRACE - [helm err] Error: UPGRADE FAILED: pre-upgrade hooks failed: pod elasticsearch-master-prepare failed

2024-09-09 19:04:04,305 TRACE - Helm install exit code = 1
2024-09-09 19:04:04,305 ERROR - [ERROR] Failed to apply the chart. See install.log for more details
2024-09-09 19:04:04,305 TRACE - [ERROR] Helm binary exit code = 1
2024-09-09 19:04:04,305 ERROR - 
[ERROR] Failed to start helm binary

Mon Sep  9 16:04:04 -03 2024 Command failed.


Seems like issue with dp-jarvis chart status.


You need to do the following steps to address the issue with dp-jarvis chart status.

You can run helm binary from <installer_root>/bin folder:
cd <installer_root>;
./bin/helm list -a -n <namespace>
As upgrade for dp-jarvis failed the dp-jarvis chart, it may show "failed" status in the listing.

You can fix only dp-jarvis chart status without scaling down all pods: 
cd <installer_root>/files/meta.helm ; 
Make a back up copy of dp-jarvis/00_dxi-installer_values.yaml in some tmp directory.
edit dp-jarvis/00_dxi-installer_values.yaml  
and set "privilegedContainersEnabled: false"; 

run helm upgrade:
"./bin/dxi_helm.bash dp-jarvis upgrade -n <namespace>"

Run again to confirm:
/bin/helm list -a -n <namespace>