Java is not allowed to be installed on our Mainframe Operational Intelligence (MOI) Red Hat Linux server, so the keytool utility is not available.
Is there a way to list the certificates in a MOI keystore?
Mainframe Operational Intelligence (MOI) 2.1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Per Configure CCS Message Service for TLS/SSL the moi-mss-utility can be used to list the certificates:./moi-mss-utility listCerts
Alternatively, although MOI 2.1 does not install Java (it is not a prerequisite) into the Linux OS itself, the mtcac docker container does contain a Java install. To get inside that container this command can be used:docker exec -it mtcac_mtcac_1 bash
However the directory containing the keystore also needs to be visible in that container.
These steps should be successful:
systemctl restart moi
)# docker exec -it mtcac_mtcac_1 bash
root@mtcac:/opt/CA/mtcac>cd /var/config/MSS-Hub-Certs/generatedKeystores/HUB_STORE/
root@mtcac:/var/config/MSS-Hub-Certs/generatedKeystores/HUB_STORE>keytool -list -v -keystore broker.ts -storepass XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | grep -i alias