II see a device in DX Spectrum (<device_1>), but does not appear in the DX Inventory. I noticed the following when searching DX Inventory for that device by Name and IP.
Device by name does not exist. Searching by IP a device by the name of <device_2> comes up. This device has been decommissioned and we no longer have it.
I decided to delete <device1> out of Spectrum and rediscover it. I then searched the DX Inventory again (about 10 minutes or so later) and I saw the correct entry, along with the one that should not be there.
After a while, I went back to search this again and only the old decommissioned device of <device2> was there again and the correct entry of <device1> was again missing. Something is reverting this back.
There are a total of 7 devices that have been compacted based on either "dx_mac_address" or "dx_ip_address" to create a compacted node. The IP address is ""<ip_addr>" and the "dx_mac_address" is "<mac_address>. Each of the source devices has its own name listed and they are not the same.
Suppressed name:
The correlated vertex name attribute is a string type, so it can only keep one name in its name attribute. This is why all the compacted node names are suppressed, and only one name is shown on the user interface.
Compacted "name": "<name>"
"Source vertices list": [
The re-discovery in the spectrum corrected the hostname for spectrum device in OI , however the hostname coming from UIM needs correction.
We were able to delete these ‘extra’ entries in CAPC. Nothing showing for <server1 and 2> on the UIM side that I can see. DX Inventory now shows the correct entry by name