Aria Operations 8.x upgraded to 8.18 and VIDM users login to the old UI
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Aria Operations 8.x upgraded to 8.18 and VIDM users login to the old UI


Article ID: 377694


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • When VIDM is configured as an authentication source in Aria Operations 8.17 and older.
  • After upgrading to Aria Operations 8.18, when authenticated as the VIDM SSO user, the UI layout is still the older version before 8.18.
  • The new UI shows as expected when logging in as the local user admin account.


Aria Operations 8.18

VIDM 3.3.7


1. Before upgrading to Aria Operations 8.18.x, the URL was https://vROPs_IP_or_FQDN/ui/. Now is https://vROPs_IP_or_FQDN/vcf-operations/ui/. The utilized automatic redirection is not supported for vIDM by design.

2. Load balancer is being used and redirecting the user to the old URL.


1. VMware SSO was introduced in the Aria Operations 8.18 release note in Single Sign-On (SSO) for VMware vSphere Foundation. More details can be found in Configure VMware Single Sign-On for VMware Aria Operations.

2. If a Load Balancer is being used, make sure configurations are following VMware Aria Operations Load Balancing.

3. Make sure the primary node URL is set under Administration > Global Settings > System Settings > System Access URL.