When backing up all vertica nodes to one host the error below is seen:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS localhost vbr (<hostname>) rsync failed (retrying): (11): rsync: mkdir "/path/to/backup/location/file_or_directory_name" (in vbr) failed: File exists (17)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(664) [Receiver=3.1.3]
This is seen multiple times for different files.
The mapping section in the .ini file being used for backup looks as follows:
v_vertica_node0001 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup
v_vertica_node0002 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup
v_vertica_node0003 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup
DX Netops Performance Management all supported versions
Multi Node Data Repository (DR) cluster
File conflicts caused by backing up all nodes to one diectory.
Create a directory for each node and specify that in the mapping
v_vertica_node0001 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup/node001
v_vertica_node0002 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup/node002
v_vertica_node0003 = servername1:/backup/verticabackup/node003
This will prevent file conflict errors.