Steps to Re-Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.x
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Steps to Re-Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.x


Article ID: 377639


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


If there is a need to reinstall/reimport WinPE ADK and add-ons, cleanup of the previous import need to be done first.

This article will assist in the proper cleanup steps


Ghost Solution Suite 3.x

NOTE: If you're installing WinPE 10/11 for the first time, cleanup steps do not need to be followed prior to importing to GSS


Windows ADK and add-ons can be downloaded from the following Microsoft site. It is important to download both the ADK and matching version of the add-ons:
Download and install the Windows ADK

Be sure to only use versions of the ADK and add-ons supported by the version of GSS installed:
Platform Support Ghost Solution Suite 3.3

If WinPE 10/11 are already installed on the GSS server OS, they must be uninstalled before reinstalling the same or different versions (Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs)

After the ADK and add-ons are reinstalled on the GSS server, perform the following steps before importing again:

  1. Locate and edit the PreBootOs.ini on the GSS server at '\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Bootwiz'.
  2. Make a copy/backup of the file and save it to a location outside of the GSS install in case the file needs to be reverted in the future.
  3. Navigate to line "INSTALLED=True" for any preboot version you want to re-import and modify line INSTALLED=True to INSTALLED=False then save the PreBootOS.ini file.
  4. This will cause the system to think the ADK has not been installed yet.
  5. Navigate to \Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server and delete the 'waik' folder for the corresponding WinPE version you want to re-import. Example: 'waik_winpe10' or 'waik_winpe11'. Do not delete/remove the folder called 'WAIK'
  6. Open Boot Disk Creator in the console (Tools > Boot Disk Creator). If you are not automatically prompted to import a WinPE version, click 'Tools' > 'Install Pre-Boot Operating Systems...'
  7. Select the version you would like to import then click 'Next >' to import