suspendTopologyManager error prevented NPM topology driver from syncing
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suspendTopologyManager error prevented NPM topology driver from syncing


Article ID: 377622


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Customer observed the following message in their OSPF and BGP domain log when they try to initiate topology sync:

ERROR   <domain name>-Topology-Driver       DXA_MESSAGE-DXA_ETOPOMGRSUSPENDED       dxa-topology-sync.asl: ICF_TopologyManager has suspendTopologyManager set to TRUE
CRIT    <domain name>-Topology-Driver      DXA_MESSAGE-DXA_EDRIVERSTOPPED  dxa-topology-sync.asl: [<domain name>-Settings] Driver stopped due to errors posted


NPM 10.1.x


The variable suspendTopolgyManager variable is set to "TRUE" in the ICF_Topology::ICF-Topology.


Customer's envrionment have failover deployed and want to only enable this variable for the test npm domains that was started.  The following was given to customer to run to set the set the variable to FALSE:

./dmctl -s <NPM domain name> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::suspendTopologyManager FALSE

No reconfiguration is needed.

This setting will revert back to TRUE after the domain is restarted.

Additional Information

By default, the Network Protocol Manager connects to the configured underlying IP Managers to fetch initial topology for NPM discovery. This functionality needs to be disabled on both the Active and Standby Network Protocol Managers in a failover deployment before starting them.

The Failover Manager determines the NPM component where the topology synchronization and discovery is enabled. Discovery or topology synchronization is always enabled on the Active Network Protocol Managers and disabled on the Standby Network Protocol Managers.

The bootend.conf file located in the <NPM install base>/conf/<bgp/ospf/eigrp/isis>/ directory can be used to change this setting to desired value.  The change takes effect after reboot.