Saving decimal numbers in staffing module does not work for users with German locale
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Saving decimal numbers in staffing module does not work for users with German locale


Article ID: 377619


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In the Staffing module - "Allocation by Investment" it is not possible to enter a decimal number without pressing 'Return' button afterwards because values do not get saved for any non English locale.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Login to Clarity Modern UX
2. Set User setting for locale to 'German'. User settings for language doesn't matter
3. In Modern UX, go to the Staffing module - "Allocation by Investment" and chose any project with resources.
4. Expand Project so that you can see the resources
5. On the right side of the page, Choose one period and double click on that field
6. Type 2,5 and click elsewhere outside of the field

Expected:  The data that has been entered should remain intact.

Actual: The data that was entered is not be saved.


Clarity version: 16.2.3




The resolution for this issue will be included in the following releases: 16.3.1, (patch 1), (patch 2).

Additional Information

Workaround: Press on the 'Return' button on keyboard to save data.