In the /var/log/cb/coreservices/debug.log, look for the message "AD user info response".
AD user info response: ['cn=cbadmins,ou=cb-edr,dc=myad,dc=local','cn=admin,ou=my-companyr,dc=myad,dc=local']
Two items are needed to properly assign a user to a team.
The team mappings need to match exactly what is being sent. LDAP is sending each group the user is assigned in a list format ['group1','group2']. Case sensitive.
The team(s) entered in teams:[] must already exist in the console and must be entered exactly as seen. Case sensitive.
Open /etc/cb/sso/ and modify the user group to match the AD group to be assigned.
Example, the first group with cn=cbadmins will be used to determine this user will be part of analysts and a global_admin: