Clarity DB Maintenance Job for Orphaned Records (On Premise)
Article ID: 377587
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Clarity PPM On PremiseClarity PPM SaaS
You find a large amount of orphaned records and would like to address this in Clarity. I.e. you see many million records in CMN_SEC_ASSGND_OBJ_PERM table that are orphaned.
There is an OOTB hidden job in Clarity that can be used, called DB Maintenance.
Note: This job is only to be used for troubleshooting purposes under the recommendations of Broadcom Support
Clarity 16.x
Enable and run DB Maintenance job in Clarity:
Run the queries: update cmn_sch_job_definitions set is_admin_visible =1 where job_code='NMC_DB_MAINT' commit update cmn_sch_jobs set is_visible =1 where job_definition_id in (select id from cmn_sch_job_definitions where job_code='NMC_DB_MAINT') commit update cmn_option_values set value='10000000' where option_id = ( select id from cmn_options where option_code = 'NMC_DB_MAINT_INST_RIGHTS_CAP' ); commit
Run the command: admin toggle-feature NMC_DB_MAINTENANCE_JOB 1
Restart services
Go to Home β Reports and Jobs β Scheduled Jobs
Filter for Scheduled instance of DB Maintenance β set the job to Paused for now if Scheduled
Go to Available Jobs and run the Job DB Maintenance
Wait until it completes it may take a few hours (we set to 10M records to be removed)
Run the job a few times until all the orphans are deleted
Once done check the export of either the below tables. You can provide it to Broadcom Support if requested, in Excel format or text if itβs too long:
First table is on newer releases, second is on older releases
You can leave the job scheduled if instructed by Broadcom Support